Final Topic List and Questions
The final exam will be short-answer and conceptual. It will focus on broad
ideas instead of specifics. It will be cumulative, but focus especially on
material since the midterm.
Transport Layer
- Understand the difference between UDP and TCP.
- Know how the transport layer uses port numbers.
- Be able to explain how TCP handles lost and out of order packets.
- Be able to explain how TCP uses ACK and NAK packets.
- Understand the idea behind TCP pipelining.
- Know what the goal of DNS is.
- Understand how DNS lookup works.
- Be able to explain DNS caching.
- Know the difference between the different types of DNS records.
TLS and Security
- Know what TLS Is used for.
- Understand what TLS doesn't protect you from.
- Understand the idea behind public and private key pairs.
- Be able to explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS
- Know what a VPN is.
- Be able to explain how passwords are stored as salted hashes.
- Know what a firewall is.
Sample Questions
- Why are networks broken into layers? What benefit does that give?
- What are the main jobs that each layer does?
- What order do the layers run in when sending data? How about receiving?
- Why do we have mac addresses, IP addresses, and domain names? Why can't we just use one addressing scheme?
- What is the difference between the Internet and the world wide web?
- What are the trade-offs between TCP and UDP?
- Why do passwords use hashes? What is the purpose of the salt?
- What happens when you type into your browser and hit enter?
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