Home CPSC 414

The Link Layer



As we've seen the lowest layer of a network, the physical layer, is concerned with sending binary data across some medium. The medium could be a wire or a wireless broadcast. The next layer above this is the link layer.

In the link layer we are still only concerned about sending data locally, but the link layer adds several services on top. In general, the physical layer is concerned with sending data over a direct connection, while the link layer is concerned with sending the data correctly.

We will talk about several aspects of the link layer, and use the terminology of nodes and links. Nodes include computers, servers, routers, switches and WiFi access points. The individual connections are the links.

There is not just one link layer protocol, there are several for different sorts of media. For user computers and servers, the link layer is normally implemented in the network interface controller.

For example, imagine an analogy where you are sick of the cold weather and decide to spend a week in Miami. Your trip might be broken into several steps:

  1. You drive your car to the Fredericksburg train station.
  2. You catch a train to the DC airport.
  3. You take a plane to the Miami airport.
  4. You call an Uber to take you to your hotel.

Here your house, the train station, the two airports, and the hotel are all nodes. The connections between them that you travel along are the links.


Link Layer Services

The link layer broadly provides the following 3 things on top of the physical layer:

We'll talk about each of these.



The physical layer sends bits across some medium without really breaking them up in anyway. The link layer breaks them into groups called "frames". The reason it does this is because it makes it easier to provide error detection.

If we just have an unending stream of bits, there's no real way to verify that any of them are sent correctly. When they are broken into frames, we can verify that each particular frame was sent without error.

Below is a diagram of how Ethernet frames are made. Ethernet is the most widely used link layer protocol for wired connections.

An Ethernet frame

The different fields are described below:

Ethernet does not include the frame size in the frames. Instead it uses special begin/end symbols between frames so the receiver knows when the frame has been sent.


Multiple Access

While the link layer only deals with direct connections between two nodes in a network, we can't assume that there is only one sender and one receiver using a particular link.

For instance, several parties may be communicating with a wireless router at one time. Even an Ethernet cable may be sending frames between multiple parties at once.

Only a medium can't actually transmit multiple frames at once. This is called a collision and the data gets mixed up in an unintelligible way.

Thus the link layer needs to deal with how to allow access to multiple parties at different times in some way. This is called the "multiple access problem" and protocols meant to solve it are multiple access protocols.

There are three main sorts of multiple access protocols:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches?


Error Detection and Correction

No transmission line has 100% success rate. Interference can cause wires to send incorrect data, and wireless transmissions are even more vulnerable to this.

One important job of the link layer is to allow the receiver to sometimes (but not always) detect when a message has gotten scrambled. It's impossible to detect all potential errors, but we can control how unlikely an undetected error is.

The simplest error checking scheme we could have is a parity check. Say we want to send the following bytes to a receiver:


What we will do is count the number of 1's in each byte. Then we send an extra bit along with each byte. If the number of 1's was even, we make this extra bit a 0. If it was odd, we make it a 1.

This way, in each set of 9 bits there should be an even number of 1's. If there is not, something must have gone wrong. In the example above, we would send the following:


Of course, there are many errors that won't be caught with this scheme! In practice, more complex error detection schemes are used.



The error-checking scheme used by Ethernet is the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). This is a more robust extension of the simple parity idea.

The math behind CRC is based on the exclusive or (XOR) operation. This binary operator takes two bit parameters and determines if exactly one of them is a 1:

$A$$B$$A \oplus B$

XOR is depicted as the $\oplus$ symbol.

XOR can be seen as binary addition, except you throw away any carry.

XOR can also be seen as binary subtraction, except that in cases where you would need to borrow from the next column (the 0 - 1 case), you ignore the borrow and carry on as if you had.

Doing math this way is called "modular arithmetic" and is used in many cryptographic applications. When we talk about addition and subtraction in CRC, we actually mean that they should be done with XOR. Multiplication and division work the normal way, except that the adding and subtracting involve also is done modulo-2 (which means using XOR).

In CRC, the sender and the receiver must agree on a binary value called a generator, $G$. Ethernet uses 32-bit CRC which has a fixed generator of 33 bits. The value is 0x04C11DB7 in hex if you're curious.

If the sender wants to send $d$ bits to a receiver, then we actually send an additional $r$ bits such that the binary number formed by joining all the bits together is exactly divisible by $G$ with no remainder.

The goal of the sender is to find the value $R$ to make it so $DR$ is a multiple of whatever our $G$ is. The receiver will then check if the value $DR$ it receives is divisible by $G$.

So the big question is how can the sender find $R$?

If we view $DR$ as one binary number, then it can be seen as shifting $D$ to the left $r$ places, and then adding in $R$. But shifting a binary number to the left is just multiplying it by 2 (same as shifting a decimal number to the left is multiplying it by 10). So that gives us:

$DR = D \times 2^r \oplus R$

The $D$ part is shifted over $r$ places, which is the same as multiplying by $2^r$. Then, we just add in $R$ - but recall that we will use XOR instead of normal addition.

Because we want this value $DR$ to be divisible by our generator $G$, we want to find some value $n$ that we can multiply by $DR$ to get $G$. This gives us:

$D \times 2^r \oplus R = n \times G$

Now we can do some algebra to try and solve for $R$. If we XOR both sides by $R$, we get (XOR by the same value cancels itself out):

$D \times 2^r = n \times G \oplus R$

This tells us that if we divide $D \times 2^r$ by $G$ (or any multiple of $G$), then the remainder will be $R$ (because $R$ is the value added in afterwards). That means $R$ is the remainder we get if we divide $D \times 2^r$ by $G$:

$R = $ remainder of $\frac{D \times 2^r}{G}$


CRC Example

As an example, say we are doing 3-bit CRC with the following values:

$D = 101110$
$d = 6$
$G = 1001$
$r = 3$
$R = ?$

To solve this, we take the value $101110$ and multiply by $2^3$. This is the same as shifting it over three to the left giving us $101110000$. We then divide this value by our value of $G$, $1001$. The remainder is $R$.

What is the value? Remember to do XOR in place of subtraction!


CRC Effectiveness

CRC can detect all errors of length $r$ or less. With the widely used 32-bit CRC which is used by Ethernet, this means errors of 32 bits or fewer will be detected.

CRC also is extremely likely to catch errors past that point. The chance of catching an error with more than $r$ bits is $1 - 0.5^r$ With 32 bits, the chance of catching the error is 99.99999997671694%

It is more likely you will be struck by lightning today than have CRC-32 miss an error.



The link layer provides several important features on top of the physical layer. Principally it breaks a transmission into discrete frames, allows multiple parties to share a communication media, and provides error detection.

The next layer above is the network layer. This layer provides routing amongst several different nodes.

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