For this assignment, you will implement the Vigenère cipher in Haskell. The cipher takes 2 strings as input: a plaintext message and a key.
It starts by rotating the first character in the message by the amount specified by the first character of the key. This is done by adding the ASCII values together. Then it rotates the second character in the message by the second character in the key. When the key runs out of characters, it loops around back to the start of the key.
If the resulting character is too large, it will wrapped around until it is in the valid alphabet range. This is done by subtracting 26.
For example, if the message is "hello", and the key is "abc", the cipher will work as follows:
h (104) e (101) l (108) l (108) o (111) + a (97) b (98) c (99) a (97) b (98) --------------------------------------- 201 199 207 205 209 (wrap until less than or equal to z (122)) a (97) y (121) g (103) e (101) i (105)
So the encoded message is "aygei".
Your program should ask the user for the message and the key, then perform the cipher and print the encoded message. For example:
Enter text: hello Enter key: abc aygei
Your program only needs to encode loewr-case letters, any other characters should be unchanged. For example:
Enter text: This is a test! Enter key: key Tezv zv r qvvq!
import Data.Char
Also, keep in mind that strings are simply lists of characters, so the list functions we discussed in class can be used on strings.
Submit your Haskell file to Canvas for this assignment.
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