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Push Down Automata



Finite automata and regular expressions are equivalent. Any language generated by a regex has an equivalent DFA.

A DFA, as pictured below, has an input, and a state control:

Similarly, push down automata are equivalent to context free-grammars.

A PDA is an automata that has a finite number of states, but an unlimited stack to store symbols on:

The PDA can push items onto the stack, and pop items off, but cannot access any item but the top.


Formal Definition

A push-down automata consists of the following six things:

  1. Q is the set of states.
  2. Σ is the input alphabet.
  3. Γ is the stack alphabet.
  4. δ:Q×Σϵ×ΓϵP(Q×Γϵ) is the transition function.
  5. q0Q is the start state.
  6. FQ is the set of accept states.

The notation Σϵ means the union of input alphabet with ϵ.

The difference from a DFA is the presence of the stack. At each transition, we can pop an item off the stack and/or push an item onto the stack.

Note that the transition function uses a power set, making PDAs non-deterministic.


Example: {0n1n | n0}

The following PDA accepts strings belonging to this language:

The transitions now include stack operations.

A transition of the form X,YZ means that we read X as the next input symbol, pop Y from the stack, and push Z onto the stack.

If we omit a push or a pop, we use ϵ.


Example: Palindromes

How could we design a PDA which accepts the language {w | w is a palindrome}, where the alphabet is {a,b,c}?


Equivalence of PDAs with CFGs

We have said that a PDA is equivalent to a CFG. To show this, we need to show two things:

  1. Any CFG has an equivalent PDA that accepts the language it generates.
  2. Any PDA has an equivalent CFG, that generates the language it accepts.


CFG PDA Conversion

If we have some context-free grammar G, we can construct a PDA P that simulates a derivation using the grammar G.

P starts by writing the start variable of G on its stack. P then applies the productions of G, matching input, and replacing variables on its stack.

P must maintain the intermediate strings through the derivation, which contain variables and terminals.

Often P will have several choices of which production to apply. It uses non-determinism to do this.

The stack of P contains the intermediate string starting at the first variable. Any preceding terminals are matched against the input.

The following image shows how P might look as it’s deriving a string against some grammar:

Below is a description of the operation of P:

  1. Push the marker symbol ‘$’ and the start variable onto the stack.
  2. Repeat the following steps forever:
    1. If the top of the stack contains a variable A, non-deterministically select a production of A, and substitute the right hand side of the production for A on the stack.
    2. If the top of the stack contains a terminal symbol a, read the next input symbol. If it matches, repeat. If they do not, reject.
    3. If the stack symbol is ‘$’, enter the accept state - which will accept if the input has been all read.



Given the following grammar:

SASA | a

Aa | b | c

How would our PDA P simulate the input “cab”?

How would our PDA P simulate the input “abc”?

Can we draw the PDA P?


PDA CFG Conversion

Any PDA also can be converted to a CFG. We will not go into this, however.


Regular and Context-Free Languages

According to the following reasoning, regular languages are a subset of context-free languages:

  1. Any regular language can be described by an NFA.
  2. Any NFA is also a PDA (one that just happens to ignore its stack).
  3. Any PDA defines a context-free language.

Below is a depiction of this situation:

This is a part of the “Chomsky Hierarchy” of languages. We will add to this throughout the semester.

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