Lab 17: Javadoc Exercise
To get experience using the javadoc tool to generate documentation
For this assignment, you will be adding Javadoc comments into this Student class. You should include a comment for the
class itself as well as each public method. Each method should include tags
for return values, parameters and exceptions where appropriate.
- Download the file.
- Add in the appropriate comments. Be sure to include:
- A documentation comment for the overall class, including an @author tag.
You can list yourself as the author even though I'm giving you the code.
- Documentation comments for each of the methods and constructors
- @param tags for all parameters
- @return tags for all return values
- @throws tags for any methods which throw an exception
- A description of anything that someone using the class might need to know.
- Create the Javadocs with IntelliJ and make sure they look right.
If you forget something, you can re-generate them the same way again.
The generated documentation contains dozens of files. Instead of turning in all of
them, please submit the following two things under the lab in Canvas:
- The modified with your documentation comments added in.
- A screenshot of the documentation page open on your computer so I can see you were
able to generate and view it.
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Ian Finlayson | Licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.