To get experience implementing interfaces.
Interfaces are used in situations where methods need to deal with
objects of classes that are not necessarily known. An example of this
is sorting objects of classes we create. We've seen that we can use
to sort ArrayLists. But how can this
method know how to sort Shape objects, or Item objects, or any other
class we make?
For this lab, you will sort objects for the Student class we have worked on. We need some way to tell Collections.sort how to do this. Should it sort by id number, name, gpa, or something else?
The way this works is that the Student class will need to implement
the interface called Comparable
. Anything that implements
this interface needs to provide a way to compare two objects of this
type. That way, the sort method can be written so that it takes in
an ArrayList of Comparable objects. Here's another case of polymorphism:
anything that implements Comparable can be passed in.
Collections.sort will call upon the .compareTo()
to do the actual comparisons that are part of its sorting algorithm.
This lets us specify how the objects should be sorted.
There are some classes in Java that need types filled in, like how we need to tell an ArrayList what type of data it's storing. The Comparable interface is one of these. When we implement the interface, we need to tell it what type of data we will compare Students with. In this case it's other Students, so you should implement the interface like this:
public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {
Then, you will have to implement the method compareTo
takes another Student object as its parameter. The method should return
a negative number if this object should be before the other one,
0 if they are considered equal, and a positive number if this object should
be after the parameter object.
You should edit so that it implements the Comparable interface and overrides the compareTo method to compare Student objects based on their names. You should look at last names first for the comparison. If the last names are the same, you should then use first names for comparison. If both first and last names are the same, you should use the student id as the comparison.
You can use to test your program.
When you are done, the output of the program should look like the following:
Janiyah, Ali 1007 0.00 0 Kendra, Bowen 1003 0.00 0 Dania, Caldwell 1010 0.00 0 Milo, Dawson 1004 0.00 0 Annie, Diaz 1006 0.00 0 Ava, Doherty 1000 0.00 0 Duncan, Elliott 1018 0.00 0 Susan, Elliott 1013 0.00 0 Nate, Flores 1017 0.00 0 Kael, Ingram 1014 0.00 0 Boris, Keller 1008 0.00 0 Colin, Key 1005 0.00 0 Robert, Krause 1012 0.00 0 Liam, Landry 1019 0.00 0 Emmy, Levy 1016 0.00 0 Austin, Lindsey 1009 0.00 0 Leo, Martinez 1015 0.00 0 Madden, Oconnor 1011 0.00 0 Sal, Stevens 1002 0.00 0 Amy, Townsend 1001 0.00 0
When you are done, please submit the Java code for the Student class in Canvas.
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