Arcade Game
Game Description: November 23
Final Game Due: December 4
To use Java graphics, objects and continue practice building complex programs.
For this assignment, you will create a 2D arcade-style video game.
You have a lot of flexibility in the game you create. It can be an original
idea, or a clone of an existing game.
Games that are similar in scope to what you could create:
It should be slightly more complex than Pong, but less complex than Halo!
Your game must incorporate the following features:
- Graphics.
- User Input.
- Saving and loading a high score.
The quality of the artwork in your game will not affect your grade!
General Requirements
- Your code should be readable and reasonably indented.
- You must provide comments in your program.
- You must include a comment at the top with your name.
- You should not have a "package" line in your program.
- You should not have the comments NetBeans puts in by default
e.g. the "license header", "@author" or "TODO" lines.
- Your file name/class name should be something descriptive,
not something like "JavaApplication4".
To submit your program, email the code to
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Ian Finlayson | Licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.